Personality Courses
This page links to on-line resources from many courses on personality and related disciplines. These course materials should prove interesting to instructors, students, and laypersons interested in personality. Instructors may also wish to consult the Personality Textbooks, whereas students may wish to consult the Personality Glossary.
Psychology of Personality This course is a survey of descriptive and causal aspects of individual differences in personality traits and intelligence. Some preliminary attention will be given to the theories of Freud, Skinner, and Rogers, after which we will launch into a detailed coverage Eysenck's survey of the field. Students should gain a good understanding of how the methods and findings of correlational and experimental research contribute to the study of personality from a natural science approach. Syllabus. Assignments. Reading lists. By G. Scott Acton, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Abnormal Psychology This course is a survey of descriptive and causal aspects of individual differences in psychopathology. Syllabus. Assignments. Reading lists. By G. Scott Acton, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Psychological Testing I This course is an introduction to conceptual and psychometric aspects of psychological testing. Syllabus. Assignments. Reading lists. By G. Scott Acton, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Research in Clinical Psychology This course is an introduction to some major issues that have been debated within the field of clinical psychology. It is intended to bring students up to date on the empirical status of issues that every clinical psychologist should know about. Syllabus. Assignments. Reading lists. By G. Scott Acton, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Scientific Method and Psychological Theory(Hypothetical course.) This is a course on psychology viewed through the lens of the "received view" of the philosophy of science presented by Popper and Lakatos. According to this view, science consists of bold theories that outpace the facts. Scientists continually attempt to falsify these theories but can never prove them true. Many subtleties of the received view will be illustrated using the contemporary literature in psychology as an example. Students should come away with an understanding of how the philosophy of science contributes to an understanding of science.
Syllabus. Reading lists. By G. Scott Acton, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Writers' Task Force
The Writers' Task Force is a peer-review writing group in which each participant receives comments on a manuscript that he or she wishes to have published and provides comments on the manuscripts of other participants. The manuscript can be at any stage, from a very rough draft to nearly ready to submit, but each participant should focus on only one target manuscript until it has been submitted. Each week, target manuscripts will be commented on by at least two reviewers.
Syllabus. By G. Scott Acton, University of Leuven, Belgium.
Great Ideas in PersonalityThis is a course on outstanding research programs in the science of personality. Students are asked to summarize and evaluate the major approaches and to offer feedback on each other's work. Topics considered include what makes a theory "great," and what are the merits and pitfalls of prominent research programs.
Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Reading lists. Student work. Links to related materials. By G. Scott Acton, Northwestern University.
Introduction to PersonalityThis course is a survey of theory and research on personality. Topics considered include (a) biological trait theories; (b) behavioral and cognitive social theories; and (c) psychodynamic theories.
Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Reading lists. Student work. Links to related materials. By G. Scott Acton, Northwestern University.
Personality Psychology(Hypothetical course.) This course is a survey of theory and research on personality. Topics considered include (a) evaluation of the scientific status of theories such as psychoanalysis; (b) various approaches to the nature / nurture controversy, such as behaviorism, evolutionary psychology, and behavior genetics; and (c) questions regarding the proper number of dimensions of personality and intelligence.
Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Reading lists. By G. Scott Acton, Northwestern University.
Biology of PersonalityBiological bases of normal and abnormal personality. Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Reading lists. By Timothy C. Bates, Macquarie University, Australia.
Experimental PersonalitySurvey of theory and research. Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Reading lists. By Michael T. Hynan, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Individual DifferencesPersonality and psychometrics. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. By Colin Cooper, Tony Savage, and Carol McGuinness, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Introduction to Personality PsychologySurvey of theory and research. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. By John A. Johnson, Pennsylvania State University.
PersonalitySurvey of theory and research. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. By Irene Hanson Frieze, University of Pittsburgh.
PersonalitySurvey of theory and research. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Reading lists. By Doris McIlwain, Macquarie University, Australia.
Personality and Individual DifferencesTheory and research on personality and intelligence. Syllabus. Lecture notes. By James Neill, University of Canberra, Australia.
Personality and Social BehaviorSurvery of theory and research. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. By Daryl J. Bem, Cornell University.
Personality ResearchPersonality and psychometrics. Syllabus. Assignments. Exams. Reading lists. Links to related materials. By William Revelle, Northwestern University.
Personality TheorySurvey of theory and research. Syllabus. By Lizabeth Roemer, University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Personality: Theory and ResearchSurvey of theory and research. Syllabus. By William B. Scott, College of Wooster, Ohio.
Theory of PersonalityAdvanced personality theory and research. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Reading lists. By John A. Johnson, Pennsylvania State University.
Concepts of the PersonRomanticist, modernist, and postmodernist personality theory. Syllabus. Assignments. Reading lists. By Kenneth J. Gergen, Swarthmore College.
Foundations of PersonalityPsychodynamic personality theory. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Reading lists. Links to related materials. By Douglas A. Davis, Haverford College.
Foundations of the Science of PersonsPersonality theory. Interactive learning module to enhance personal awareness and freedom. Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. By David R. Williams, University of Pennsylvania.
Introduction to PersonalityPersonality theory. Syllabus. Assignments. Links to related materials. By William E. Snell, Jr., Southeast Missouri State University.
PersonalityPersonality theory. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Reading lists. By Neil Lutsky, Carleton College.
Personality TheoriesAn electronic textbook on personality theories, from Freud to Frankl. Syllabus. Lecture notes. By C. George Boeree, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.
Personality TheorySyllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Reading lists. Links to related materials. By Bill Farmen, Anderson University.
Psychology of PersonalityPersonality theory. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. By Flint Lachenmeier, Wayne State University, Michigan.
Cognition, Personality, and MotivationIndividual differences in cognition. Syllabus. Assignments. Reading lists. Links to related materials. By William Revelle, Northwestern University.
Family RelationshipsIntimacy throughout the lifespan. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Reading lists. Student work. Links to related materials. By Nancy Darling, Pennsylvania State University.
Intelligence and AbilitiesIntelligence and behavior genetics. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. By Colin Cooper, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Theories of the UnconsciousPsychodynamic personality theory. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. By Gerry Orchard, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Abnormal PsychologySyllabus. Reading lists. Lecture notes. Exams. Links to related materials. By Joanne Davila, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Abnormal PsychologyPsychodynamic theory. Syllabus. Assignments. Reading lists. Links to related materials. By Douglas A. Davis, Haverford College.
Abnormal PsychologySyllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Links to related materials. By Donelson R. Forsyth, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Abnormal PsychologyLecture notes. By David L. Gilles-Thomas, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Exceptional Behavior: Theory and ResearchOrigin, development, and classification of atypical individuals. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Links to related materials. By William B. Scott, College of Wooster, Ohio.
Personality Assessment Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Reading lists. Links to related materials. By Douglas A. Davis, Haverford College.
Psychological AssessmentSyllabus. Assignments. Exams. Readings lists. Links to related materials. By Michael B. Gurtman, University of Wisconsin, Parkside.
Psychological TestsPsychometrics and clinical assessment. Syllabus. Assignments. By John R. Suler, Rider University of New Jersey.
Psychometric TheoryGraduate level introduction to psychometrics. Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Reading lists. Links to related materials. By William Revelle, Northwestern University.
Tests and Individual DifferencesIntroduction to individual differences and psychological testing. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Student work. Links to related materials. By T. B. Rogers, University of Calgary, Canada.
Introduction to Statistics in Psychological ResearchSyllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Links to related materials. By Gary H. McClelland, University of Colorado, Boulder.
General PsychologyAn electronic textbook on the basics of psychology, from the brain to psychological disorder. By C. George Boeree, Shippensburg University.
Graduate Statistics for PsychologistsSyllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. By Charles M. Judd and Gary H. McClelland, University of Colorado, Boulder.
History of PsychologyAn electronic textbook on the history of psychology, from Socrates to Skinner. By C. George Boeree, Shippensburg University.
Philosophy of MindPsychoanalysis, behaviorism, artificial intelligence, consciousness, and personal identity. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Links to related materials. By Valerie Gray Hardcastle, Virginia Tech University.
Psychology of Personal Well-Being and AdjustmentHow to live with compassion, attention, and gratitude. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Reading lists. By John A. Johnson, Pennsylvania State University.
Social Psychology BasicsAn electronic textbook. By C. George Boeree, Shippensburg University.
See syllabi for other psychology courses at the World Lecture Hall.
Last modified November 2003
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